Monday, April 14, 2014

Post Eleventh: Reflection about my Participation in the 47th Annual Literary Contest

The English Department from University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus did a literary contest in which they celebrated the 47th Annual Literary Contest Awards Ceremony to reward the winner students. The literary contest consisted about three categories: essay, short story and poetry. The students who want to participate had to submit an entry from the category that they wanted to participate. Despite the fact that I could not have the opportunity to attend the literary contest awards ceremony I had the opportunity to participate in the contest. For this reason I am going to talk in this reflection about my participation in the literary contest.

I had the opportunity to participate in the three categories, so I submitted three entries one for each category: essay, short story and poetry. I submitted: “A Puerto Rican Identity”, “Forgive Me” and “God is Present” for each category respectively. It was a honor be part of this important activity. I had never had the opportunity to participate in a literary contest and the experience was amazing. I really enjoyed be part of this wonderful activity. I did not wait to win a prize or anything in the contest because I knew that the people who are participating were very good. Just as I expected I did not win a prize. However for my surprise I received an electronic mail from the coordinator of the Literary Contest, Dr. James Penner, who notified me that my short story “Forgive Me” did not win a prize but the panel of judges praised its “originality”. This was a great new for me because I did not wait it, so I felt very proud and happy for myself.

Really, I felt very sad because I could not attend to the ceremony awards. However, this experience allowed me to learn that I can do whatever I want and that I can achieve my goals if I have determination and persistence. I did not win a prize, but just with the only mention I felt very proud. This meant a lot for me because the English has been very challenging in my whole life and the English represent one of the obstacles that I have had to overcome in my academic career. Thereby my participation in this literary contest meant more than just win a prizes. My participation in the literary contest meant in myself the overcoming of my fear and barrier to a language that I had seen as foreign language during a long time in my whole life. Definitively, I enjoyed a lot this experience and it was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate myself that I can do everything that I purpose. The clue is not the prize instead it is what the prize mean for yourself and the feeling of overcoming by your own work is the best feeling that a person could have.


  1. Congrats Laura! I am so glad that the Literary Contest helped you overcome a challenge. It is great to see how us students can overcome challenges day by day in out academic career. The material prize doesn't matter when you know you got more out of it. Great job!

  2. Great reflection Laura. I'm really happy for you that this opportunity helped you to overcome some challenges and problems you had. I know that this experience will help you in a future and that you will never forget this great opportunity.

  3. Very nice Laura and is very good to know that this opportunity give you self confidence. I think you have a strong voice and these type of opportunity give you more security for future stuffs.
