Sunday, April 20, 2014

"God is Present": Poem Submitted to the 47th Annual Literary Contest

God is Present
I see you over the mountains
I see you in the serenity of the sea
I see you in the eyes of a child
I see you in the smile of a child
I see you in the birth of a child
I see you are present in my life

I heard you in the cry of a mother for her child
I heard you in the cry of a hungry baby
I heard you in the laughter of a child
I heard you in the woman in her everyday work
I heard you in the pleas of the humanity
I heard you and I know you are present in my life

I feel you in the air I breathe
I feel you in the peace of the world
I feel you in the scent of the flowers
I feel you in abstract miracles
I feel you even when nobody feels you
I feel your presence in my life 

You are the bread of life
You are the blood of life
You are light in the darkness
You are the guide and the strongest
You are the miracle of life
You are present in my life!
You are present in the World!

God's not Dead!

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